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In a time when outbound call center managers are called upon to do “more with less”, adding agents to a call center to maximize productivity may no longer be an available easy answer. Consolidating all of a center’s campaigns into one is not a viable option in cases where call tables need to be segmented based on agent skill set or contractual obligations. Outbound call center managers are now routinely asked to optimize efficiency across all of their campaigns using a fixed, finite number of agents. This study shows that by using predicative dialer simulation, a call center manager can determine the minimum staff size for each of their campaigns as to minimize the effects of dialer inefficiencies. This minimum size is affected by such attributes as the campaign’s connectivity, call handle time and the agents’ time on dialer (%TOD). Although the improvements in productivity that will be realized by optimizing campaign size will be based a campaign’s original configuration, this paper shows that the productivity of each agent in a given campaign may improve by 15% to 100% through optimal staffing.
(Revised April 14, 2012. 4 pages. Click on Paper Title or Icon to view paper)
Recommended Site Requirements for Deploying a Hosted Call Center
Hosted call center solutions can be deployed very quickly with very little or no start-up costs. There are however recommended site requirements that should be met by your organization in order to ensure performance and availability that meets a premised-based solution. Although each vendor may provide minimum requirements below what is listed, these recommended requirements are derived from our experience working with various vendors and call centers. When meeting the metrics outlined in this report, you and your vendor should be able to deliver calls that meet or exceed a Mean Opinion Score (MOS) of 4, which is equivalent to toll-call quality.
(Revised July 20, 2012.. 2 pages. Please contact us for a copy of this report)
Case Studies
A disease management company reaches out to its potential patients through its outbound call centers. The initial calls welcoming the patient into the program are completely unsolicited – in most cases the patient doesn’t even know they were eligible for the program or that the program existed.
A successful call was defined as one where there was a dialogue with the right party. The success rate of these welcome calls was considered subpar at under 10%. This low engagement rate put the efficacy of the programs in jeopardy.
Interested in viewing the solution and outcome? Click Here.
A lifestyle management company reaches out to its potential patients through its outbound call centers. During the introductory enrollment call, the patient is explained the benefits of the program and is asked if they would voluntarily enroll in a six or twelve month telephonic lifestyle management program.
The company is paid per enrolled member. The company wanted to investigate if enrollment could be improved through changes in call campaign logic – calling certain members on certain days or at certain times of the day.
Interested in viewing the solution and outcome? Click Here.
An outbound call center was occasionally missing its monthly service level guarantees around outbound attempts and successful calls. The center wanted to investigate if there was an ‘emergency’ protocol it could put in place that could be used in months where it appeared that the center would miss its SLAs. The protocol could not involve hiring more staff, and it could not negatively impact the center’s abandon rate.
Interested in viewing the solution and outcome? Click Here.
A disease management company utilizes a server running Oracle 11g to compile patient information which is provided by the insurance companies it services. With the steady increase in the number of patients serviced, the server requires regular upgrades of both CPU and I/O resources. These hardware and software upgrades
costs the company $3.1M every 30 to 36 months.
The company wanted to investigate if advanced production control could be implemented in order to defer the cost of upgrading the server.
Interested in viewing the solution and outcome? Click Here.
Pursuing first party insurance benefits to cover medical claims can be costly for an already resource-strapped hospital or medical reimbusement company. Billers can spend an excessive amount of time investigating and verifying Medical Payments (med-pay) or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. These primary benefits are "first come first serve" to the provider or physician who is able to bill the fastest. In certain situations, providers will suffer from increased AR days because they pursued med-pay/PIP benefits, only to determine that those benefits were exhausted to another provider or physician, or aren't available because the patient resides in a state that doesn't mandate such coverage or coverage levels.
Interested in viewing the solution and outcome? Click Here.
Tools and Templates
The Point Kaizen is a type of Kaizen event that attempts to improve a specific task in a process. It is usually performed soon after an improvement opportunity is identified. Led by a front-line colleague and their supervisor, it can be an effective way of introducing daily improvements without affecting productivity. This is the form featured in our Blog Series "Zero to Success in 60 Days or Less: How to Build a Successful Lean Six Sigma Program from the Ground Up".
This simulator allows call center managers to optimize their call campaigns. This simulatior works at the campaign level so each of your campaigns will need to be modeled individually. This free online version of our simulation technology uses an Erlang-B based pacing algorithm, which is the foundation for many commercial and open source dialers. Although the results provided by this simulator will closely approximate what you can expect at your site, its accuracy will vary based on how much your dialer's pacing algorithm differs from what is used in this simulator. For more information on acquiring a simulator for your specific dialer, please contact us.